Basal Cell Carcinoma 2024-04-04T12:56:09+00:00

Basal Cell Carcinoma

All About Basal Cell Carcinoma: Types, Symptoms & Treatments

What is Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer, primarily affecting people with chronic sun exposure. The areas most prone to BCC development are the face, neck, back, or shoulders, often exposed to the sun.

Unlike some other cancers, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) doesn’t usually spread to distant organs. Instead, it goes into nearby tissues and damages them. Removing it completely is important, although it’s not often deadly. However, catching and treating it early is crucial to avoid changing your appearance and prevent serious damage to the surrounding tissues.

At Manningham, we’re your basal cell carcinoma specialists, providing skin cancer services and comprehensive care in skin cancer treatment.

Basal Cell Carcinoma Types

  • Superficial BCC is confined to the top layers of the skin, making it more accessible for detection and treatment, and it is recognisable by its characteristic red, scaly appearance.
  • Nodular BCC is a distinct, rounded lump on the skin’s surface. Its appearance may vary, making it important to recognise it to prevent further growth and potential complications.
  • Infiltrating BCC is the most challenging to detect visually; being smaller than the eye can perceive, it can be dangerous as it can be typically detected in more advanced stages.

Basal Cell Carcinoma Symptoms

Typically appearing on the face, neck, back, or shoulders, BCC may present as

  •  red or pearly lump
  • Scaly, dry patches with varied shades
  • Sores that do not heal or worsen after healing
  • Bleeding sores
  • Moles, scars, or dermatitis that bleed
  • In white skin as a bump that can be skin-coloured or pink
  • in brown skin as a brown or glossy black and has a rolled border 

It is important to consult a doctor if any abnormality is observed, especially if it differs from other skin spots, changes in size, shape, colour, or texture, doesn’t heal, or causes itchiness or bleeding.

Skin Screening, Biopsy & Diagnosis

The diagnosis of BCC involves a thorough examination, skin screening and biopsy. Skin specialists will assess suspicious lesions, taking a small tissue sample to examine under a microscope to guarantee precise identification and staging.

Once the patient is diagnosed, the medical team will create a tailored plan to approach the skin cancer. 

Stages of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) 

0 Carcinoma in situ –  is Limited to the epidermis in the top layers of the skin; it hasn’t spread to deeper layers or lymph nodes.
1 Smaller than 2 cm, no spread to nearby lymph nodes or organs, with one risk factor.
2 Larger than 2 cm, no spread to other organs or lymph nodes, but two or more risk factors.
3 It has spread to local lymph nodes (or facial bones), not to other organs.
4 It has spread to multiple lymph nodes, bones, or other organs, with variable sizes.

Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment

Basal cell carcinoma has different treatments and approaches; in early-stage basal cell carcinoma, the most common treatments include:

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma surgery:
    a. Excision: Removal of the tumour along with a margin of healthy tissue ensures complete eradication.
  • Non-Surgical Treatments:
    a. Cryotherapy: Freezing abnormal cells with liquid nitrogen, causing them to slough off.
    b. Topical Treatments: Application of prescription creams or ointments directly on affected areas.
  • For Late-stage Basal Cell Carcinoma:
    a. Chemotherapy: Systemic medication to destroy cancer cells throughout the body.
    b. Radiotherapy: Using high doses of radiation to eliminate cancer cells.

Risk Factors

  1. Sun Exposure: Frecuente and severe exposure to UV radiation can contribute to developing skin cancer. 
  2. Family History: A family history of BCC increases the likelihood of its occurrence. 
  3. Pale Skin: Individuals with fair skin are at a higher risk of developing BCC due to reduced melanin, which provides natural protection against harmful UV rays.
  4. Immune-Suppressing Drugs:  Some medications that suppress the immune system may elevate the risk of BCC development. Awareness and proactive skin monitoring are essential for those on immune-modulating medications.
  5. Age: BCC primarily affects older adults but can also occur in younger individuals. Regular skin checks are crucial for early detection and intervention across all age groups.


Basal cell carcinoma generally won’t spread to other areas of the body, which is why it is less of a concern than the more serious melanoma. With a cure rate of up to 98%, BCC’s survival rate is exceptionally high, particularly when detected early.

Prevention And Early Detection Are Important In The Skin Cancer Journey.  

It is important to check your skin and perform a Mole Mapping every 6 to 12 months and see your doctor if you notice any new spots. 

The ABCDE parameters offer a great guide to checking any suspicious moles or spots: 

  • Asymmetry: Any irregularities in the shape of a lesion.
  • Border: Irregular or uneven borders of a mole or spot.
  • Colour: Changes in colour or multiple colours within a lesion.
  • Diameter Larger Than 6 mm: An increase in size beyond the typical mole diameter.
  • Evolution: Changes in size, shape, or characteristics over time.

Other ways to prevent skin cancer include: 

  • Seeking shade and wearing hats to minimise sun exposure.
  • Consistent use of SPF sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays.
  • Avoid tanning beds, which significantly increase the risk of skin cancer.

Book A Consultation With A Specialist Today

Discovering a potential skin cancer diagnosis may bring anxiety, but at Manningham Skin Cancer Clinic, we are your partner in compassionate care. 

If you have concerns about your skin or notice any irregularities, take the first step towards peace of mind by scheduling an appointment with our dedicated team and learn more about basal cell carcinoma in Australia.

Our services extend beyond diagnosis, skin check and skin revision encompassing a spectrum of skin cancer treatments and preventive measures. Trust Manningham for comprehensive skin care tailored to your needs.

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We are here for you and can schedule an appointment 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.



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